Client stories
“I was in good hands with Wendy Sharp. She was an advocate for me in dividing our business interests and was an expert in understanding the issues affecting our children.”
“Wendy took me under her wing. I wasn’t just her client, she treated me as a friend. Wendy gave me good, sound advice, and kept me focused. She would tell me that I needed to think about ‘my’ future and not let my emotions lead me down the wrong road. I thank God that I found her.”
“Wendy Sharp was a perfect advocate throughout my divorce process. She was well connected where it counted greatly and kept me strong and focused for me at a critical time when I wanted to be meek.”
“Unfortunately, my marriage didn’t work out. BUT, I am so thankful that I finally made the decision to move forward with the divorce. Having Wendy in my corner made all the difference in getting through it without losing my mind!!”
“I would recommend Ms. Sharp to anybody looking for an experienced attorney specializing in family matters. She proved to me through her actions and advice that she had my best interests in mind. Ms. Sharp is a goal-oriented attorney, constantly measuring the gap between the present status and the goal. She values her client’s satisfaction more than the profit she can make from an unfortunate situation.”