My goal is to help clients through one of the most overwhelming and difficult experiences they will ever face. In understanding what you want for your family, I provide compassion, guidance and advocacy. I answer your questions and explain every legal right and every available option. I give direction when it is needed. With the right information, you will feel confident to make the decisions you need to make in order to move forward. I can assist you in mediation, or represent you in court. While you will always feel I have your best interests in mind, and that I am fighting for you, it is never my intent to purposely cause a problem or a war. I prefer to make a plan, look ahead to spot potential issues, resolve problems and help calm lives back down. None of us are at our best when faced with trauma and stress. The sooner you can resolve the problems, the sooner your life and your family’s life can get back on track.
I am an experienced and practical problem-solver. I will champion your rights and will at the same time be a voice of reason.
In my office I am the only attorney assisting you. You will have personal direct contact with me when you need it. A positive outcome and experience in your case helps you now, in saving money and stress, and in the future, when you move forward with your life and this is behind you.
I am proud that most of my business comes from past client referrals. Many of my clients have kept in touch with me over my thirty-year career.